Why to Care about LFA? Mexican Football League
Football is a great sport and is growing everyday. In the case of Mexico, a new professional league appeared last year with four teams (Raptors, Condors, Eagles, and Mayas) in Mexico City. This 2017 season, two teams will be added: Fundidores, from Monterrey, and Dinos, from Saltillo. Both of them are from major cities in northern Mexico, where football is really important. But, how this league came to appear? Well, Mexico has a stong tradition of american football since the 1950's. There are two college leagues – ONEFA and CONADEIP. – Both leagues play at a level of an NCAA division II or III. Even the Olympic Stadium of 1968 was built before for football games. It is part of a college tradition in Mexico to be part of a football team. There was a time that baseball along with american football were the main sports in the country. Nowadays football has come back, but now in a professional league, which will be played from February to May. It...