Professional Bullies (Porros) in Public Colleges as Deterrrence for Football Fans in Mexico
This term " porros " (bullies) comes from the Spanish word Porra, witch means "cheer". And it comes from the first football games played in Mexico, back in 1936 (Sánchez:2004). Nowadays, they are pseudo students organized in groups in public universities and highschools. They are financed by local and federal authorities. The activities they perform are to intimidate, mainly, activist and student movilizations inside the campuses. The interesting thing about them is that they also intimidate, create fights, and riots at football games. Coincidence? I dont think so. Football was, before the student uprising and massacre in Tlatelolco in October 2th 1968, the first sport in Mexico, shared by the baseball fans. What happened? Well, according to Robert Andrew Powell, from Bletcher Report, part of the student uprising in 1968 against the politcal repression and the corruption of the political regime started after a football game. A classic game: the National Universi...