Mexican college football ONEFA : Pumas visiting Tigres 2017
Monterrey Mexico
College football
Pumas from National University of México visited Autenticos Tigres from Nuevo Leon state university on Friday night. The victory was for the pumas in extra series. The QB Danieldejuambelz from Pumas Led the extra series for the victory with a fake running play TD to finish the game 22-19 for the visitors.
Photo by la afición
But the key of the victory was in the Autenticos last drive. They were in the 4th quarter 40 seconds to play. They were in the 1st yard line ready to score and they ran the ball but it was fumbled by Diego Pareyón and gave the opportunity to tie the game and force the extra series.
The autenticos did not scored in the drive, but a FG But the pumas took the opportunity and scored TD.
In recent years, this match up has become a classic college football match up showing the best football i the north of Mexico against the best of the center.
College football
Pumas from National University of México visited Autenticos Tigres from Nuevo Leon state university on Friday night. The victory was for the pumas in extra series. The QB Danieldejuambelz from Pumas Led the extra series for the victory with a fake running play TD to finish the game 22-19 for the visitors.
Photo by la afición
The autenticos did not scored in the drive, but a FG But the pumas took the opportunity and scored TD.
In recent years, this match up has become a classic college football match up showing the best football i the north of Mexico against the best of the center.
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